Monday, November 5, 2007

Hidden gems are the best

I am excited for the next week for two main reasons. First and foremost, the release of Super Mario Galaxy will rock the gaming world with the platform goodness that we all love. I will talk all about Super Mario Galaxy in next weeks blog.

This week is dedicated to the other reason I can't wait for November 12th to arrive, Fire Pro Wrestling Returns for Playstation 2.

Fire Pro Wrestling, created by Spike, is one of the most enjoyable series of games I have ever played. The series began in 1989 with the release of Fire Pro Wrestling Combination Tag for the PC Engine. Fire Pro has gained the support of the japanese gaming audience with each installment, but only two games have reached the United States (Fire Pro Wresting 1 and 2 for the Gameboy Advance).

The game features 2-d graphics that look decades old, but don't count the title out because of visuals. Fire Pro features the best gameplay, the most incredible animations and the deepest customization options of any wrestling game to date. It also boasts the biggest roster of wrestlers in a game; featuring around a dozen federations to choose from.

Final Fire Pro Wrestling
marks the return of the series to American shores, and at a budget price of 20 dollars to boot. I urge any fan of wrestling or fighting games to give it a shot. The graphics might be simple, but the gameplay delivers in spades.

And that is what really matters.

Below is the Agetec(the US translator) trailer of Final Fire Pro Wrestling.

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